Happy New Year to You all!
Here it is another year and apparently another Chance "To be FRUSTRATED"!
Let me say that "I don't get on too well with my friend "The COMPUTER"!
Every time and "I don't mean "Once in awhile", but "EVERY TIME" I want to try and do something creative or useful on this thing it just sort of decides that "today is the day that I will give her heck!"
I know, I know. As long as I have owned a computer I should know by now, that when something goes wrong, what it is that I need to do about it. Right? NOT!
Most of us believe that around the first of every new year we should be ready to settle down and accomplish something a little more productive than hanging shiny bobbles around the house and beautifully wrapping hundreds of packages that will shortly become piles and piles of wadded paper along with piles and piles of prepackaging plastic, Styrofoam peanuts, tape and leftover ribbon.
Well, I decided it was once again time to work on my writing and the story (potential book) that I have pediddled with for the past 10 years or so!
I keep thinking if I don't do something with it soon that it is going to have to be classified as a "Historical Novel" instead of just "Fiction".
It is the story of a young single mother and her two daughter's.
The focus is on Joletta, the oldest who is 13 when the story begins. The family has many problems and Joletta not only is having to deal with beginning the tough process of recently moving once again, but, also is in the middle of her mother's life crisis.
If I could only get the computer to co-operate, I might actually get a little ground covered.
First of all, "a full 2 years ago", I lost everything when the computed crashed and I did not have back-up The only thing I had was my "UN-EDITED, TYPEWRITTEN, FIRST COPY", which luckily, helped to get me re-started. But,(I'm only being honest here) I am a terrible typist, and my skills in language arts has much to be desired. So pretty much each time I would start I would get side-tracked "changing many, many things" and soon I would have spent hours making what looked like "no progress at all".
Actually, slowly, slowly I have made "some progress", but, because I am so darned distractable and a very hit-miss person I can "go for months on end and not touch any of it"! Mostly because I get tired of fighting my poor skills and the "DARNED COMPUTER!"
Well,I have spent probably 4 hours the past 2 days working on this project. Progress, right? "NOT" Because today when I came back to the program I have been working with, "ALL OF MY COPY AND EDITING ARE GONE!" "The only thing I have left is what I had when I started the other day!"
Now, I guess, to many of you that may not seem like a it should be a big deal! But, to poor old me, "IT IS A BIG DEAL"!
I just don't know how many more times I can talk myself into starting over.
Oh well,at any rate, I Thank you for allowing me to rant and rave on this blog. (As if anyone had a choice) But, you didn't have to read it!
"PERHAPS" though there will be one or two of you that can at least try to feel little sorry for me!"Just a tiny bit will do, ok??"
As I said before. "HAPPY 2011"
I guess my attempt may still turn out to be Historical Fiction someday.
I do see what you mean about being in a bad mood! Bitchy, bitchy, bitchy! I'm glad you posted the other one before I got around to reading this one. Hahahah.